4 Authentic Ways to Develop Resilience When Life Gets Hard

Life will, at some point, will become difficult for you. You must develop resilience when the road becomes challenging. It is crucial to find authentic ways to build strength and manage your emotions and behavior in ways that will set you up for success. Consider the following when life gets hard for you.

Accept Reality

When you fantasize about your potential or lie to yourself that all is well in your current situation, it leads to regrets and disappointment. Failure to connect with reality causes us to end up in unfulfilling jobs or careers we despise. It is impossible to improve what you do not acknowledge, so you must recognize the reality of your situation. Change your mindset and behavior, and you will change the outcome.

The struggle is a part of life, so try to view your situation as a challenge, not a threat. Be honest with yourself and list your strengths, values, and accomplishments. List your weaknesses too. To move past limitations, focus on developing your strengths. Give up trying to turn weaknesses into strengths, as this is a mistake that many people make. Find the solution to the problem and break it down into realistic steps.

Develop Confidence

Confidence is a path to success that comes from accomplishment, not just other people telling you that you are terrific. It does not come from external sources. It is a feeling you get inside that indicates that you trust your skills, choices, and values. Resilient people can uncover situations that lead them to a lack of confidence.

You will feel better about yourself when you achieve small goals. So, start setting daily goals and when you meet them, set weekly and monthly goals. Progress is incremental so remember that significant changes will not happen overnight.

Welcome Discomfort

Staying in a comfort zone will shut down your brain’s learning center and make you dumb. Unfortunately, we tend to stay in boring, safe places in our lives and careers because we do not like uncertainty. Discomfort is essential for getting the most out of your brain. Growth will happen only when you drive yourself beyond your comfort zone.

You will not always be able to depend on your skills when challenges arise. However, if you continually place yourself in situations beyond your competency, you will be more prepared to deal with them.  

Be Motivated by Good Values

The only way to persevere through life is to go after those things that give us purpose and meaning. It is challenging to keep going after those things that have no value to us. Pause and think about what you are doing and why. No answer? It is time to rethink the situation. Please understand that not every job or relationship is perfect, and the road is not easy. Ask yourself what you are willing to struggle for that gives your life meaning and purpose.

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Posted by Exact Staff

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