Inclusive Leadership: Fostering Diversity at the Executive Level

Organizations should celebrate diversity and let it be a critical part of their infrastructure. Diversity is beneficial to organizations and the people in them. To maximize the benefits of diversity, leadership must be diverse. A diverse team of leaders helps to establish and foster trust with many different people in your organization. Diverse leadership brings…

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The Key to Becoming LESS Directive and MORE Empowering

As an empowered leader, you can focus on bringing out the best in people. You can promote engagement, flexibility and growth. You can coach, inspire and develop self-leadership in your teams, leaving your employees feeling trusted, supported, and able to take the initiative. The transition from being less directive and more empowering is not easy,…

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How Might HR Better Serve Employees, Even on a Small Team?

A small HR team has a lot of responsibilities, including talent acquisition, performance management, employee engagement, benefits and compliance. So, how can a small HR team better serve employees when it is limited in size? A small team must make intelligent moves and take a creative approach to scale things up. Here are a few…

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What Are the True Costs of Neglecting Low-Wage Workers?

Many Americans have low-wage jobs, and society and employers often overlook them. Now, organizations are struggling to fill these underappreciated yet vital roles that affect the efficiency and functioning of many organizations. Recently, a recent report from the Harvard Business School suggests that employers do a better job of understanding why these roles are so…

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Mindset Shifts: How to Embrace Change and Make Meaningful Progress

Many people fear change and are resistant to it. Nobody likes being in the dark. Research agrees, suggesting that our brains register uncertainty like they register errors. We are not comfortable until we resolve the tension. But life is not static, and change is a constant in life. If you are going to stand out…

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Improv for Life? How Improv Can Improve Communication Skills, Boost Creativity and Reduce Social Anxiety

Improvisation is a form of unscripted theater where actors are unaware of what they will say or do. They also do not know what the other actors will do or say. There are no fancy costumes or elaborate stage sets; only a bare stage and chairs exist. Shows often begin with a random word from…

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The Social Media Dilemma: Balancing the Benefits and Pitfalls of Digital Connection

Social media is a fantastic way to stay in touch with the people in our lives. It offers quick access to information and research and puts banking and paying bills at your fingertips. There are remote work opportunities as well as online learning. Social media is an incredible marketing tool. However, excessive social media use…

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Are You Placing Enough Emphasis on Soft Skills When Hiring?

As a manager interviewing candidates, do you focus solely on hard skills like experience, specific programs or applications, or a specific degree? Although these hard skills might be easier to learn and showcase someone’s understanding of a measurable ability, they do not indicate a candidate’s ability to build relationships in the organization or work with…

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4 Ways to Make the Workday Better for Your Team in 2023

There is probably no such thing as a workday without problems. There will always be friction and little annoyances that cause some employees to seek employment elsewhere. However, focusing on some details can help improve your team’s workday in 2023. Here are four things you can do now to get started. Start in the Morning…

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Build a Unified, Not a Uniform Company Culture

Creating a cohesive company culture is difficult, especially with the variation of where and how people work these days. You might feel you cannot control the organization across regions, business units, and work environments. The organization’s culture is fragmented. Additionally, employees demand authentic diversity and inclusion, so companies can no longer prioritize conformity over individuality.…

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