A Few “Non-Boring” Ways to Say Thank You in an Email

Technology today is all about being faster and better. Increased productivity and a desire to accomplish tasks quickly are the goals of most companies. Unfortunately, pleasant exchanges and strong relationships are pushed aside by these goals. But if you work with some great people, you must let them know you appreciate the extra things they…

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Opening Lines to Set You Apart in Your Cover Letter

A cover letter is a crucial part of your application. It is a fantastic way to grab a hiring manager’s attention while highlighting why you are the best person for the job. There is no established proper way to open a cover letter, but there are certain lines to help you stand out and statements…

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Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Career?

Do negative things keep happening to you at work? Are horrible bosses, unrealistic deadlines, backstabbing, and lack of support part of the workday? You are likely wondering why you have such poor career luck. However, have you ever considered that you might be the problem and the catalyst for these damaging events? Conduct becomes self-sabotaging…

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It Is Time to Reassess Your 2022 Goals

Take a moment and try to think about your 2022 resolution. Do you remember it? Can you recall what plans you set for yourself this year at the beginning of the year? It is June now, and the year is halfway over. Reflect on your goals, resolutions, and plans at the beginning of the year.…

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The Secret to Keeping Your Team Motivated as Summer Heats Up

As the summer approaches, you might have trouble keeping your employees engaged and motivated as the weather warms up. However, the business must continue as usual even when the sun shines, and high temperatures abound. To keep productivity from slipping, utilize these tips to ensure your employees are focused and working. Work Outside Undoubtedly, one…

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The Key to Listening to Employee Feedback Without Being Frustrated or Emotional

The value of employee feedback is critical to the success of a business or organization. Employee feedback can offer unique business insights into leadership. Feedback is essential to the work environment; when done correctly, it can improve performance culture. Listening to employee feedback without being frustrated or emotional is best. Allow for the possibility that…

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How to Better and More Effectively, Motivate Team Members With Different Backgrounds

Managing and motivating employees who represent different cultures can be exciting and challenging. Motivation is what drives performance. It is crucial for managers who want to encourage team members with diverse backgrounds to understand what stimulates the individual employee. The one-size-fits-all approach is useless when managing employees of varying ages and backgrounds. You must be…

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Why Every Leader Should Plan a “Gratitude Check-in” With Team Members This Week

Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. To practice gratitude, engage in techniques that help you reflect upon what you appreciate and find valuable to create a general sense of thankfulness. Expressing your gratitude can happen in many ways, such as: Thinking about things in your life for which you are grateful Being thankful…

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The Key To Better Food For Thought…Really

It is not difficult to have trouble focusing. There is the news, the worries about family and friends, finances, and more. Trouble focusing drains your brainpower. However, a healthy diet can increase your concentration. It would help if you were well-nourished and hydrated, so your brain cells work better, and your body does not distract…

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Why The Best Employees Know How To Recenter

Recentering is the process of causing one’s thoughts and emotions to become centered again. It is a crucial piece of emotional intelligence, understanding and managing your emotions. Recentering involves reaffirming your goals, values, and critical principles. Knowing where you are in your life at this moment is crucial to your future success. It is worth…

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