Happiness: Your Career’s Secret Weapon

He seems to have it all – a great job (with an impressive title), and even better career growth prospects. And, not surprisingly, he wears a big old grin on his face, every day. What’s his secret? How’d he get so happy? Does he have something you don’t? If you find yourself looking around your…

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Want to Succeed in Your Career? Plan to Fail!

Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” But when it comes to your career success, perhaps the better spin on this famous quote is: “If you want to succeed, plan to fail!” Huh? Think about it for a minute. How many of us take an absolute…

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3 Important Things Great Leaders Do Every Day

Want to get more done? Inspire your team to greatness? Build a stronger organization? Oh, and do these things EVERY DAY? Develop better leadership habits. It makes sense. Great leaders are consistent and disciplined in their practices. They’ve acquired habits which improve their effectiveness and drive their success, every day. Thankfully, nobody has a monopoly…

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Are You Showing Your Employees Enough Loyalty?

Are you as committed to your employees as you want them to be to you? Consider how your team members would answer the following questions (if their responses would be kept anonymous): Does your boss care about your happiness? Is your boss committed to helping you achieve your career goals? Does your boss recognize and…

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Terrible Leaders Can Teach You This

Ever hear of the “CASE” method? It’s an acronym for Copy And Steal Everything, something that great managers, executives and entrepreneurs do all the time. After all, why start from scratch when you can learn from another exceptional leader’s success? Of course, you can learn from terrible leaders, too – what NOT to copy and…

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Your Company’s Org Chart Shouldn’t Be Set in Stone

Looking for new ways to thrive in an increasingly competitive world? Try ditching your org chart. Think we’re kidding? Then it’s time you look at your organizational chart with a fresh set of eyes. Sure, it’s one of the most ubiquitous elements of the modern workplace. Yes, it’s comforting to have a visual hierarchy of…

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Five Ways a Leader Can Build the Perfect Team

Ever wondered why some work teams soar and accomplish amazing things – while others stagnate and fail? That’s what Google set out to determine over four years ago. In their quest to build the perfect team, Google’s People Operations department launched Project Aristotle, investing millions of dollars and thousands of man hours to measure nearly…

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Top Actions to Take with Your LinkedIn Profile

You’re a savvy professional. You already know that you need a strong LinkedIn presence to increase your visibility, grow your network, enhance your reputation and personal brand, and take your career to the next level. But leveraging the full value LinkedIn offers as a job-search and career-building tool takes more than uploading a professional headshot…

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What to Do if a Conversation Turns Loud and Aggressive

Is your workplace a hive of harmonious activity – or does it feel more like an episode of Hell’s Kitchen? Whether they begin with policy disagreements, personality clashes or simple misunderstandings, workplace disagreements can quickly escalate into full-blown battles without proper management. And the results can be disastrous, including: Lowered productivity and morale; Employee turnover;…

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If You’re Afraid, You Might be Innovating

What do BuzzFeed, Facebook and CVS Health all have in common?   They were named as the top 3 most innovative companies for 2016 by Fast Company. How did they do it? They looked fear right in the eye. Sound intimidating? It is! And that’s kind of the point. Innovation IS a scary thing –…

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