Back to Basics: 3 Essential Leadership Questions to Consider

That hot leadership book you’re reading right now – you know, the one that promises to revolutionize the way you manage and inspire your team? It probably has about as much staying power as Pokemon Go. The simple truth is, sound leadership principles have remained pretty much the same for decades (some would argue centuries!).…

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How to Start Pivoting Your Organization

It’s one thing to realize that your business needs to alter its course. Figuring out exactly how to successfully change direction? Well, that’s something entirely different. A few weeks ago, we shared three reasons you should consider pivoting your business: Managing the increasing rate of change in our world Creating new opportunities to drive revenue…

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Three Reasons You Shouldn’t Fear Pivoting Your Business

Does the term “business pivot” strike fear in your heart – like a scary scene in a Halloween movie? It’s understandable. Fundamentally shifting the strategy you use to achieve your company’s mission may require big changes – in thinking, operations, offerings or even personnel. But knowing when and how to change direction can be the…

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Happy People Have These Habits

If you look up the definition of “happy” online (and we did), you’ll find synonyms like: Cheerful Merry Joyful Carefree Untroubled Brings a smile to your face, right? But while defining happiness is pretty simple, knowing how to achieve it is much more difficult. Where’d that smile go? Before it completely fades, remember this: nobody…

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The Leading Strategy to Evaluate Your Leadership Performance

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. As a leader, you regularly evaluate the performance of your team. But when’s the last time you evaluated your own performance – specifically in the area of leadership? Still thinking? Then you definitely want to read this post. Merely having the responsibilities of a leader…

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Want to Increase Engagement? Go with the Flow

Ever experienced focus so intense that you: Accomplish an amazing amount of high-quality work in a short period? Are impervious to distractions? Feel virtually unstoppable? Then you’ve been in a state of “flow.” Flow is a state in which you feel and perform your best. And it’s more than just a catch-phrase; studies validate its…

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Driving Performance with Commit and Stretch Goals

Use a “pay for performance” plan? A two-pronged goal-setting strategy may make sense for your team. In this thought Leaders post, author Mike Figliuolo explains two distinct types of goals – commit and stretch – and the role each plays in driving exceptional performance (especially when money is a primary incentive). Here’s a quick summary…

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Do These Three Things – BEFORE Crisis Strikes

Accidents. Judgment errors. Cyber attacks. Nothing tests your organization quite like a crisis. And unfortunately, no business is immune. Regardless of your location, size or industry, your company WILL be forced to deal with major problems. So consider this question: If disaster were to strike today, how prepared is your organization to handle it? Not…

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Three Reasons Your Employees Should Shadow One Another

Want to make your work teams more nimble? Protect your organization from essential knowledge loss? Create happier, more engaged employees? Have them regularly shadow one another. Job shadowing is a proven development tool that affords both employers and employees a wide range of benefits. If you don’t have a formal program in place already, here…

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How to Get Employees to Change Direction

In the workplace, why are people so resistant to change? Here are three key reasons: An “If it isn’t broke, why fix it?” mentality. People are naturally comfortable with the knowledge and skills they possess, as well as the ways they perform work. This provides them with a sense of competency, and change forces them…

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