How Uncertainty in Business Can Lead to Great Power and Opportunity

The only constant in business? Change. Regardless of your industry, organizational size or the number of years you’ve been in business, today’s operational environment is volatile, complex, and yes – uncertain. As a leader, does that uncertainty cripple or exhilarate you? A lot of it has to do with how you plan to manage it.…

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Understand Emotional Intelligence to Predict Future Leaders in Your Company

Baby Boomers are retiring. Skills gaps are widening. Retention isn’t what it used to be. How can ensure your business will continue to have amazing leaders for years to come? Grow your own. Developing internal talent and promoting from within is smart business – but identifying your company’s future leaders involves more than measuring their…

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Four Rules Every Great Boss Follows

Wouldn’t it be great if every management position came with its own rulebook? Unfortunately, no leadership role is that simple (or static). But that doesn’t mean you have to “reinvent the wheel” if you want to grow as a manager. The truth is, following these four rules will help you become an even better boss…

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Trying to Instill a Healthy New Habit in 2017? Here’s How to Stick to It

Your co-worker just started her third year of crossfit training. Your cousin quit smoking for good in 2016. And that employee of yours? He’s already dropped 10 lbs. – and he only started dieting on January 1st! You’re outwardly happy for them (of course). But on the inside? Frankly, you’re kind of irritated – how…

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3 Ways to Be a Leader People WANT to Follow

Does your team follow you because they want to – or because they have to? It’s an important question. Leaders who truly inspire others in the workplace create a positive cycle of success and high performance in which people: exert higher levels of discretionary effort; feel empowered to do their jobs to the best of…

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Perform, Lead and Succeed: 10 Inspirational Quotes

Think inspirational quotes are corny? Cliché? A complete waste of time? Maybe you just aren’t reading the right ones. An insightful quote can motivate you to perform better, lead more effectively, or renew your enthusiasm for whatever it is you do. And regardless of industry, role or experience level, we all need occasional reminders to…

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Become a More Successful Leader by Developing this Habit

You keep your offices, your operations and your company finances in great shape. What about your own body? Great leaders – people like Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Barack Obama – have rigorous fitness routines for a good reason: they understand how important exercise is to being an effective boss. Research supports what these professionals…

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Prevent Burnout by Flipping Your Thinking

“Check out.” “Disconnect.” “Unplug.” When it comes to preventing job burnout, conventional wisdom advises you to find ways of distancing yourself from your work. But while a hardcore “no work after 5 p.m.” policy or a two-week vacation may sound amazing, they’re not practical for most managers. What’s more, work demands aren’t the chief cause…

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Maximize Your Happiness by Avoiding These Pitfalls

It’s “the most wonderful time of the year.” So why aren’t you happier? Sure, the rush of the season makes it harder to unwind and enjoy the here-and-now. But are external factors like holiday stress making you unhappy – or are you your own worst enemy? Twin research has proven that about 50 percent of…

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Become a Better Boss by Doing These Unique Things

Engaging in active listening? Check. Following through on commitments? Check. Leading by example? Check. If you’re like most bosses, you’ve already mastered management fundamentals like these. But if you really want to grow as a leader in the year ahead, you need to set the bar just a bit higher. Becoming a truly exceptional manager…

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