Habits to Dramatically Improve Your Life

Small changes can have a dramatic impact. Take the quality of your life, for example. You don’t have to give up all your worldly possessions, permanently drop off the grid, or become an environmental vegan to be happier. In fact, drastic changes can increase your stress levels – and they’re usually not sustainable. If you…

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Words and Phrases Smart People Never Use in Conversation

You’re intelligent. Savvy. And an expert in your field. But could the words and phrases you use in everyday work conversations make you sound like Lloyd Christmas? Right or wrong, people judge you based on the way you converse, and a seemingly innocuous comment can easily be misinterpreted (and forever impact a co-worker’s perception of…

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Are We Thinking About Organizational Culture the Wrong Way?

Is your corporate culture unifying – or unintentionally divisive? Before you answer, you should read this Harvard Business Review post by John Traphagan. Most of us accept the common definition of “corporate culture” as a shared set of values, attitudes, standards and beliefs that characterize how a company’s employees and management interact and handle outside…

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Key Tips for Making High-Stakes Leadership Decisions

Chicken or beef? Wouldn’t it be great if all leadership decisions were as simple as choosing which entrée you’d like? But as you know all too well, most business decisions carry greater weight and are much more convoluted: Take on a huge client that doesn’t quite fit your strengths…or take a pass? Stay the course…or…

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No One Likes to Do It, But Here Are Four Signs It May Be Time to Fire an Employee

They insist on bringing their exotic pet to work. Every day. Off leash. They converted their cubicle to a nail salon – and business is booming. Their daily “lunch break” has devolved into a five-hour nap. Firing these (thankfully fictional) employees would be a cinch. But in the real world, deciding to terminate an employee…

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The Secret to Creating a Speech That Works and Motivates

Ever come out of a presentation feeling energized and ready to take on the world? What was the speaker’s secret? How did he keep you engaged and effectively deliver his message? It could’ve been his or her gestures. In public speaking, the way you express yourself nonverbally is just as important as – if not…

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Work/Life Balance is Starting to Blend Together – and that might be alright

“Balance” is out. “Blend” is in. In recent years, technology has virtually erased the boundaries separating home and work. The same tools which have allowed employers to enhance workplace flexibility – things like email, mobile tech, videoconferencing and the Cloud – have also allowed employees’ work life to spill over into home life. Instead of…

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4 Obstacles to Organizational Agility

Would you describe your business as nimble? Innovative? Flexible? Or stuck in the mud? Organizational agility helps your business adapt to its changing environment, by deftly executing initiatives in support of your overall strategy. It’s what allows your business to: respond quickly and effectively to urgent issues and risks; stay profitable in turbulent markets; identify…

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Does Scarcity Reduce Your Decision-Making Capabilities?

When your employees have the knowledge, resources, time and tools to do their job well, productivity soars. Innovation abounds. And your business runs like a well-oiled machine. But if even one of these factors is in short supply? A “scarcity mindset” can creep in – causing mistakes that bring business to a screeching halt. As…

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5 Customer Service Lessons to Help You Provide Better Customer Service

“You will not BELIEVE this car I just bought. It’s kinda non-descript-looking, the handling is alright, and the fuel economy is mediocre!” Not amazed? Neither are your customers if you’re delivering “so-so” service. In a hyper-connected, hyper-competitive business world, customer service provides critical opportunities for differentiation and competitive advantage. But only if you consistently go…

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