The Leading Soft Skills to Develop

They may be called “soft,” but make no mistake: Regardless of your industry or job function, soft skills are an undeniably important success factor in your career. They’re those often-underrated skills that make team members collaborative, professionals confident, service providers caring and leaders inspirational. What Soft Skills are Most Important for Success in the Modern…

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Smart People Never Include These Words and Phrases on Their Resume

 “addicted to online shopping” “in my 30s and living with my mom” “someone who enjoys long naps during the work day” You’d never put phrases like these in your professional resume. They’re career sabotage! But if you want to create a resume that truly distinguishes you as the best candidate for a position, you need…

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How to Solve HR Challenges with Smarter Talent Management

Overcoming skills gaps. Reducing turnover. Managing changing workloads. If you’re in HR, these are just a few of the myriad challenges you face. And as you well know, the way your business attracts, employs and develops people dramatically influences your ability to meet these challenges. Regardless of your industry, talent is your company’s biggest asset.…

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8 Things the Happiest People Do Every Day

Did you wake up this morning feeling positive? Grateful? Excited to get your day started? No? Then let’s move that needle – on your happiness level, that is. When it comes to your sense of wellbeing, you have a general baseline for how happy you are. This “happiness set-point,” as psychologists call it, is the…

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What’s the ideal career for your zodiac sign?

Fighting an uphill battle in your current job? Feel like you’ve stagnated in your career – or like you just aren’t doing the type of work you’re meant for? You might be in the wrong career for your zodiac sign. Before you scoff and assume we’ve completely lost our marbles, consider this: Several years ago,…

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Simple Ways to Generate Positive Energy in Your Organization

Here are a few facts about energy in the workplace: All people, objects and spaces have energy. That energy can be shared, increased or drained. For people, energy naturally flows toward meaningful action – and can be increased through focused, fulfilling work. Leaders have a huge impact on others’ energy. They can ignite and fuel…

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Leadership or Forwardship: Which Does Your Business Need?

Every once in a while, we come across a concept so revolutionary, we feel compelled to share it. Today is one of those days. A team member here at Exact Staff recently shared an intriguing article on the concept of “forwardship.” (If you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry – it’s a new idea!) Okay,…

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Work/Life Balance is Starting to Blend Together – and that might be alright

Half a trillion dollars (yep – trillion, with a “t”). That’s the estimated annual cost of work stress to U.S. employers, according to this 2017 Mental Health America study. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. This eye-opening survey includes dozens of disturbing statistics that quantify the extensive impact job stress has on today’s…

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Eliminate These Stress-Inducing Habits

When you feel uptight or anxious, sometimes there’s a clear culprit – like that traffic jam that’s making you late, or those three cups of coffee you just chugged. Other times, the reasons may not be so obvious. Could Your Daily Routine to Blame? Seemingly innocuous habits, like the ones listed below, can heighten your…

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Feeling Overwhelmed? These Tips Will Help Change That

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone: A Families and Work Institute study cited in this ABC News article showed that more than half of U.S. employees feel overworked or overwhelmed at least some of the time. Research compiled by The American Institute of Stress show that job stress has escalated progressively over the past few decades…

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