See It, Do It: Using Visualization to Achieve More

Athletes and performance artists use visualization techniques to prepare for competitions, mentally rehearse difficult performance situations, and improve execution for one reason: It works! And not just on the field or the stage. In fact, smart professionals practice visualization techniques to maximize their performance in the workplace. Why is visualization so effective? By definition, visualization…

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Doing This in the First Five Minutes of Networking is a Game Changer

Your eyes glaze over. Your attention wanders. And after about three minutes, you want to throw up your hands, yell “I can’t take it!” and run out the front door. What happened? You were attacked by a conversation bully. You know, one of those people who dominates the entire conversation, blathering on (and on and…

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Here’s Proof That Sleeping in on the Weekend Can Add Years to Your Life

Does being a sack hound on the weekend make you lazy – or extend your life? According to the results of a 13-year study of sleep habits published by the Journal of Sleep Research, it’s the latter. The study reported the following: For people 65 and under, weekend sleep can make up for sleep deficits…

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“Big Sister” Is Listening: How to Delete Alexa’s Recordings of Your Private Conversations

George Orwell’s fictitious Big Brother may not truly be watching you… …but Amazon’s very real Alexa is definitely listening to you. All the time. And recording everything she hears you say. Kinda creepy when you think about it. Even worse? A Portland woman claims that the Echo virtual assistant took things a step further, recording…

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The Secret to Being Your Best Self Requires This ONE Thing

Finding new ways to improve your effectiveness – both as an individual and a leader – is a common goal among managers, and it’s a common theme to posts you’ll find on our blog. In fact, we’ve written about the topic frequently over the past year or so, sharing great advice from a variety of…

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Adopt These Habits of Mentally Strong People

They’re disciplined. Tenacious. And remarkably resilient. They’re mentally strong people, and their grit helps them overcome tremendous obstacles to achieve their goals. Whether it’s personally or professionally, we all face challenges in our lives that test our mettle. Do you have what it takes to succeed, even when the going gets rough? Make sure you’re…

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Email Opening Lines That Make You Look Clueless

“You have absolutely no idea who I am, and I have absolutely no idea how to start this email.” You wouldn’t begin writing an email this way, right? Unfortunately, some business professionals pour a ton of effort into writing compelling email subject lines that get their emails opened, but drop the ball once they get…

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Entertain Your Audience for Maximum Impact During a Meeting

Ever had to lead a dull meeting? Give a presentation on a dry topic? Teach your team something that’s important but incredibly boring? Then you know how tough an audience can be. By now you’ve probably heard that statistic from Microsoft saying that the average human attention span is shorter than a goldfish’s. Regardless of…

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Sit at a Desk All Day? Here’s the Workout You Need to Do

Ever hear of dead butt syndrome? It sounds creepy, but it’s a real medical condition! Also known as gluteal amnesia, the condition develops when the gluteus medius (one of the three main muscles that make up your behind) stops firing correctly. Left untreated, it can lead to lower back pain, hip pain, as well as…

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Writing Email Subject Lines? Here’s What NOT to Do

Fact: People judge books by their covers… …and emails by their subject lines. You may have great news to deliver. An unbelievable offer to share. Or an urgent request that can’t be ignored. But none of that matters if your recipients never open their emails from you. And the secret to getting your emails opened?…

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