Great Leadership Takes Courage – Here’s How to Build It

“I’m going to be an amazing leader, starting today.” If only becoming a great boss or manager were as simple as making a declaration like this. We all know that building effective leadership skills takes much more than uttering a single sentence. It takes passion. Commitment. Great decision-making and communication. And yes, courage. While some…

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The Truth Hurts – But It Will Make You a Better Person

Or are you an ostrich with your head stuck in the proverbial sand? There’s a reason so many idioms about “facing the facts” exist: Sometimes, it’s really, really hard to do! But as Eric Barker so astutely observed in his recent post, “4 harsh truths that will make you a better person,” denial is a…

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Small Things People Use to Judge Your Personality

“Oh, I try to reserve judgment until I really get to know a person.” “Me? I’m not judgmental by nature; I keep an open mind when I meet someone.” Heard statements like these before – or maybe uttered them yourself? We all have! We’re humans, after all, and humans simply cannot keep from making snap…

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Phrases a Boss Should Continually Tell Their Employees

When you address your employees: Do your words motivate or intimidate? Is your criticism constructive or merely negative? Are you inclusive or authoritarian? Obviously, you want to aim for the former in each of these examples. Because, as we mentioned in an earlier post, the language you use at work can inspire, inform, persuade and…

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Best Productivity Hacks for Your Small Business

When you’re a small business owner, your time is valuable – and extremely limited! The same goes for your team. Employees wear multiple hats, and their list of to do’s likely grows by the minute. Too bad you can’t grow more time to get everything done. Or can you? There are still only 24 hours…

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Improve Your Life with These Everyday Tips

If you could improve one aspect of your life, what would it be? Your finances? Relationships? Health and fitness? Career? No matter what you’d like to change about yourself, it won’t happen overnight – and it won’t happen by accident – but there is a simple formula for success: Small Habits + Consistency = Meaningful…

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Are we True Blue: Adopt These Success Habits of Authentic People

Ever met a “social chameleon”? You know, one of those people who acts one way around a certain group of people, but entirely different around another? Now here’s a tougher question: Have you ever been a social chameleon? To a certain extent, all of us wear “masks” in social situations. We often feel a need…

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See It, Do It: Using Visualization to Achieve More

Athletes and performance artists use visualization techniques to prepare for competitions, mentally rehearse difficult performance situations, and improve execution for one reason: It works! And not just on the field or the stage. In fact, smart professionals practice visualization techniques to maximize their performance in the workplace. Why is visualization so effective? By definition, visualization…

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Doing This in the First Five Minutes of Networking is a Game Changer

Your eyes glaze over. Your attention wanders. And after about three minutes, you want to throw up your hands, yell “I can’t take it!” and run out the front door. What happened? You were attacked by a conversation bully. You know, one of those people who dominates the entire conversation, blathering on (and on and…

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Here’s Proof That Sleeping in on the Weekend Can Add Years to Your Life

Does being a sack hound on the weekend make you lazy – or extend your life? According to the results of a 13-year study of sleep habits published by the Journal of Sleep Research, it’s the latter. The study reported the following: For people 65 and under, weekend sleep can make up for sleep deficits…

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