Keep Your Team Motivated and Productive During the Holidays

Take a look around your office. Are your employees: Making a final push to hit year-end targets…or spending too much time shopping online at Target? Planning for a great 2019…or just planning their family gatherings? Working industriously…or as distracted as Buddy the Elf? It’s the holidays. House guests, unfinished shopping, parties and pending vacations can…

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Secrets to Having More Energy

Tired of feeling tired? You could blame the weather. You could blame the coming winter solstice. You could blame the holiday frenzy… …or you could actually DO something about it. If you want to greet every work day full of energy, try these tactics: Create meaning in your work. Neuroscience studies demonstrate that pursuing meaning…

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The Right Stuff: Top Traits of Incredibly Successful People

Overachievers. Self-made billionaires. World leaders. What do they have that you don’t? Sure, they have money and power, and they’ve achieved the pinnacle of success in their chosen field. But are they somehow inherently better than you? No way! In fact, many of the qualities shared by incredibly successful people can be acquired (with discipline…

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The Guide to Having a Lifetime of Joy

What factors create lifelong happiness? Ask 100 people, and you’re likely to get 100 different responses. Many value health; most want financial security; others need things like freedom or even power to be truly happy. But several studies cited in this article point to an even more influential component of lifelong joy: strong, meaningful…

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Carbs: Breakfast Do or Don’t?

Breakfast: THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY! Ack – that’s a lot of pressure to get your food choices right. Should you opt for the egg or the cereal? These days, it seems that everyone has an opinion on whether protein or carbs are better for you first thing in the morning. In fact,…

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Boost Your Career with These Bingeworthy TV Shows

Want to grow as a professional? Improve your management skills? Give your career a proverbial shot in the arm? You could: read a book listen to a podcast watch a Ted Talk attend an industry conference …or, you could just binge-watch a little TV! Television has definitely earned its reputation as the “idiot box,” but…

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How to Make Friends as an Adult

You’re busy with your family. You’re busy with your career. You’re busy taking care of your house, your lawn, your pets, your car… We all are – which is why it’s no wonder it’s so tough to make friends as an adult! As a kid, your parents and teachers helped find playmates for you. In…

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Boosting Employees’ Productivity? It’s as Easy as Changing Their Mind

Improving productivity in your organization isn’t just a “nice thing to try”; it’s a business imperative. From coast to coast, employers are frustrated with the gap between what great people can and do accomplish on the job. Case in point? A March 2018 VitalSmarts study found that: A whopping 88% of managers have at least…

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How to Blow Your Boss’s Mind (in the Best Way Possible!)

You show up 15 minutes early each morning. You’re loyal and hard-working. You meet your deadlines and annual objectives. Coworkers think you’re great to work with. Well, guess what? Nobody’s impressed by that. This is your job, and if you’re merely fulfilling the basic requirements, don’t expect anything more than the basic paycheck. If you’re…

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The One That Got Away?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”   The author of this quote may be dubious (it’s commonly –…

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